Disney Wiki
Disney Wiki

Dianecat98 Dianecat98 10 November 2017

102 Dalmatians (Animated version)

So anyone remember the sequel to the live action 101 Dalmatians movie 102 Dalmations? Well here is something I thought of, what if there was a animated version of 102 Dalmations which would have been called 101 Dalmations 3 which would be a follow up to the first and second 101 Dalmations animated movies? If there was, can you imagine the new animal characters introduced in 102 Dalmations having talking voices?

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Dianecat98 Dianecat98 19 August 2017

Can the Night Howler flowers from Zootopia infect humans?

For the people who have seen the Disney movie Zootopia and remember those night howler flowers that can make animals go savage? Well since they said in the movie that aside from that predator animals can get infected by the night howlers, prey animals can also get infected as well. With that said I have a theory that night howlers might infect humans as well if any human bean can get near it. So what do you think, can night howlers infect humans like how night howlers usually infect animals?

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Dianecat98 Dianecat98 13 July 2017

Stories that Disney should make as movies?

So what stories that Disney have not touched yet do you think Disney should actually make animated movies of? Well I can think of that maybe they could make a loosely based fully computer animated Red Riding Hood movie that is in the same style of Tangeled, Frozen, and Moana.

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